Friday 24 July 2015

Undertaker to work live event at Mexico, young fan to sign WWE contract on RAW

While Undertaker has been booked for the highly anticipated SummerSlam main event against Brock Lesnar, it seems his schedule is not only limited to the pay-per-view. Taker has been booked for appearing at live events in Mexico post-SummerSlam between October 16-18.

WWE tweeted the following on The Deadman working their upcoming tour of Mexico

In the video below, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon offer young fan Elijah a spot in the company after he sent in a Tough Enough video earlier this year. They sent the young fan a Money In the Bank briefcase with his own contract. They have invited Elijah to the upcoming RAW in San Jose, California to “sign” a WWE contract.

They’re letting Elijah have his favorite WWE Superstar stand beside him in the ring to sign the contract and he’s 

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